More about apples...
-Fresh apples float on water since 25% of their volume is air!!
-Apples are high in fiber. One apple has 5 grams of fiber, supplying about 20% of the daily recommended dietary needs.
-Apples are best eaten with the peel since most of the fiber and antioxidants are found in the apple's peel.
-Apples are ripe when picked.
-Apple seeds are like human. Each seed will give a different type of apple from the planted seed.
-The apple fruit itself is covered with a natural layer of wax to protect its high water content. Hence, fresh apples are always crisp.
haha...i am goin to try whether the apples that i bought floats on water....
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
10:53 PM - Interesting Facts About Apples
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