Red Delicious: Named when a nurseryman in 1894 exclaimed," My that's delicious!" Sweet and juicy. Best for snacking; poor for baking. Available year-round.
Golden Delicious: Not related to Red Delicious. Slightly elongated; sweet, juicy. All-purpose apple-great for snacking, cooking, and baking. Available September to June.
Red Rome (Rome Beauty) : Named for an apple-growing area in Ohio, not Italy. Slightly tart. Best for baking. Available October to August.
Winesap: Granddaddy of American apples! Wine - like flavor. All purpose apple. Available November to July.
Granny Smith: Mrs. Maria Smith nurtured the first seedling in the mid 1800's. Mildly tart. Best for snacking; good for baking. Available all year-round.
McIntosh: First apple tree planted by John McIntosh about 1811. Two-toned red and green. All purpose apple. Available September to June.
Jonathan: Deep red; mildly tart, rich flavor. Versatile apple-excellent for snacking and baking. Available September to August.
that's all
Choux said...
We have many Granny Smiths here. =p
Sour! ><
Neway, can ya find more info about the health benefits of food? I'd like to know. ^____^