This show really reminds of the setting that Code Geass set on their show, two different class of people leaving in the same country, both at war at each other.. etc..etc. You get the drill.
This show also doesn't shy away from bloody gory scene that most shows miss out on so its thumbs up.Well, this is an action genre show,yeah, we got to have all the gory details,people.
Is there a twist in the show? Yes and I didn't see it coming so another thumbs up again ~!
And lastly, Sunrise has a new competitor when it comes to emo is Venus that innocent ?
I must say, Venus's premiere was very good but not on the same level as Code Geass though, and then it when down the slump for awhile before shooting back with a twisted turn in the middle and then it rides till the end. All in all, it's a good action series to watch , thank goodness there is no romance in the story.
Best Character : Shiba
Best Villain : Renee
Animation : 7/10
Storyline : 8/10
Soundtrack : 6.5/10
Best Episode : 8
Best Action Episode : 6
Overall : 7.5/10
Choux said...
Sunrise still win hands down when it comes to emo facial distortion. They have Shinn, Mai, Tomoe and of course the psycho lesbian table rapist, Nina Einstein (pantheon class).
Then there are Rena and Mion from Higurashi too.