This show really reminds of the setting that Code Geass set on their show, two different class of people leaving in the same country, both at war at each other.. etc..etc. You get the drill.
This show also doesn't shy away from bloody gory scene that most shows miss out on so its thumbs up.Well, this is an action genre show,yeah, we got to have all the gory details,people.
Is there a twist in the show? Yes and I didn't see it coming so another thumbs up again ~!
And lastly, Sunrise has a new competitor when it comes to emo is Venus that innocent ?
I must say, Venus's premiere was very good but not on the same level as Code Geass though, and then it when down the slump for awhile before shooting back with a twisted turn in the middle and then it rides till the end. All in all, it's a good action series to watch , thank goodness there is no romance in the story.
Best Character : Shiba Best Villain : Renee Animation : 7/10 Storyline : 8/10 Soundtrack : 6.5/10 Best Episode : 8 Best Action Episode : 6 Overall : 7.5/10
Never Let Today's Burden Erase Yesterday's Blessing
Marble Buttercake
My Food Comfort~! Not, this buttercake is freaking stiff.. where is the fluffy sponge cream filled cake that I always dream of.. now that is comfort food~! nay
My LifeLine's Qoute ~!
God gives us cherised memories, cling on to them when sorrows come. ~Bill Crowder
Jo-Jo Potatoes - Potatoes cut into thick wedges then seasoned (sometimes breaded) and deep-fried. Often served with broasted chicken.
Great Lines from Brothers & Sisters ~
Justin: Kind of feel like the guy who’s about to get whacked in a mobster movie. You know, the one where the Don says, “Hey, come take a ride with me,” and he ends up in the Pine Barrens, buried in five pounds of lye. Robert: Maybe they’ll find you later swinging from a hook in a refrigerated meat truck. … Fish taco? Justin: So, is this some sort of like brother-in-law hazing thing? Robert: I think we’re a little bit beyond that, don’t you? Justin: Look, I can’t get Kitty to re-propose to you, if that’s what you’re after. Robert: No, that’s not it, but boy, your family could teach the CIA something about obtaining classified information. Justin: And not keeping it classified. Robert: Got that right.
Oh gosh,its May people... lots of season finale for all time fav. american tv shows... Its the May Sweep ~ yeah~!
Culinar Words from Linda Stradley ~
Miranda Bailey: Every intern wants to perform their first surgery. That's not your job. Do you know what your job is? To make your resident happy. Do I look happy? No! Why? Because my interns are whiney. You know what will make me look happy? Having the code team staffed, having the trauma pages answered, having the weekend labs delivered and having someone down in the pit doing the sutures. No-one holds a scalpel until I'm so happy I'm Mary Freaking Poppins.
From The Culinary Dictionary ~
ragout (ra-GOO) - This is a French word, which means stew, usually one made of meat or poultry and which is rather thick. In recent years, this word has become a rather clever restaurant menu marketing term because it describe just about any mixture that is somewhat soupy or stew like. A derivative of the French verb ragoûter, meaning "to stimulate the appetite," ragoût is a thick, rich, well-seasoned stew of meat, poultry or fish and sometimes vegetables.
The basic method of preparation involves slow cooking over a low heat. The potential ingredients are many: ragouts may be prepared with or without meat; a wide variety of vegetables may be incorporated; they may be more or less heavily spiced and seasoned.
The weekly words post is up again. Miranda is such a hard ass resident, i probably get my ass kick if I am working under her.. there goes my dream of being a doctor or a surgeon Anyway.. enjoy~!